Hydration 101
As we head into the depths of August and the temperature here in the UK starts to look a little more reliably and regularly hot and humid, it’s high time to start really thinking about how you hydrate on your run. Hopefully all here know this already, but if you’re new to running or perhaps have become a little lax on this front, it bears repeating that it’s important to keep hydrated on your run- keeping hydrated will never hurt you, it will only help you. There is nothing tough about running without water or fuel, it can and will affect your overall performance, not to mention it’s quite dangerous.
So to keep us all healthy and safe for the hot weather runs ahead I’ve pulled together everything I do myself and teach my running club members to do to stay hydrated!
The 45 Minutes or Less Run
If you are heading out for any run up 30-45 min run or less, you probably won’t need fluids, but if it’s a really hot day make sure you’re organised ahead of setting out and have plenty of fluids on hand for when you’ve finished. If the temperature is extremely hot and humid, don’t risk it and take fluids with you just in case.
Top tip- Prepare your post run fluids by putting full water bottles in the freezer the night before, take them out the morning of your run and leave them in your kit bag so that when you return from your run you have ice cold water on hand.
The 60 Minutes or Over Run
As runs get longer, you really want to think about taking water out with you, especially if you are planning on fuelling during your run as fluids with help you with your digestion.
Top tip- If you are racing take fluids with you as a back-up, races have been known to run out of water at the water stations so make sure you are not reliant on somebody else for your fluid needs, especially when you’re doing 60 mins +.
My Kit Picks- some things to try
I should say, absolutely none of the below suggestions are affiliates, they are just kit I have personally used/use or have running friends who love.
The Waist Pack- A single water bottle sits to the front or back of your pelvis or off to the side along your hip. Really useful if you find the mini water bottles (see below) too bouncy.
The Hydration Belt- several mini water bottles worn around the waist, more evenly distributing the weight of the water, which you may prefer.
The HydraQuiver Single Barrel- This mini ‘back pack’ style has multiple compartments - two shoulder pockets for gels/small phones, plus the water bottle which is easily accessible on your shoulders.
The CamelBack Hydration Vest- This hydration vest enables you to sip directly from a large hydration pouch on your back. Other styles let you carry water bottles in pockets at your chest.
The Handheld Bottle- There are lots of options for handheld bottles available, either plastic water bottles like these ones or collapsable water bottles that reduce in size as you drink the water (clever!).
I always suggest trying a few things out and seeing what works for you- though of course I appreciate this involves buying (even more!) kit and running is an increasingly expensive sport.
A cheaper option than some new kit is just to pre-stash filled and cold water bottles along your route- this is something that we do at my running club RunVerity when we know we are running a longer route.
I would also always advise knowing where any water taps are along your route and take an emergency £5 with you just in case. I know I’ve personally been caught short on more than one occasion on a longer than planned run, mainly due to getting lost in my early days of running, and I’ve been known to knock on stranger’s doors asking (well ok, begging) for them to refill my water bottle! And of course, nobody said no :) But preparing ahead is probably the better option…
Stay healthy and hydrated out there!
Any questions or if you have any of your own recommendations (especially my US runners who I know will likely be chuckling at what we call hot over here!) please do share them in comments, I'd love to hear them.
Verity x
N.B I should add, if you are pregnant, it is always advisable to take fluids on all runs.